Category Archives: Pro Staff

Grouse Hunting: The Magic Hour

Grouse Hunting: The Magic Hour (or hours). In any outdoor pursuit, “when” is almost as important as “where”. I believe the Ruffed Grouse spends more time up in the trees than we realize. Common notion is that Grouse roost overnight in the trees, and also feed vigorously in trees starting in November through snow melt. […]

Ruffed Grouse Hunting Equipment

Ruffed Grouse Hunting fritz heller grouse commander

Ruffed Grouse Hunting Equipment My name is Fritz Heller. I’m also known as the Grouse Commander, a moniker my friend Brad gave me after a streak of 11 Grouse up and 11 down over a three day weekend many years ago. I have been pursuing the King of all game birds (it’s the Ruffed Grouse, don’t […]

The Rains & The Quail

matt russell arizona quail hunter

Since the latest opener for desert quail that I can remember of October 19th this season, they certainly could have better numbers.  It’s not rocket science for any Arizona quail hunter to know that winter rains are crucial for optimal production.  Last winter was incredibly hot and dry.  Arizona didn’t really have any measurable winter […]